Thursday, October 11, 2007

why is the stock market going up like mad..?

Hello investors

yesterday as i entered a restaurant for dinner, i met a friend . he asked me the reasons for the raging bull run .
the manager of the restaurant , volunteered to explain.
his analysis made sense although it was slightly exaggerated.
Americans get a loan at 1.90 % per annum just by giving their social security number they take a loan and blindly invest in the B.S.E
in a bull market almost every stock gains by 2 % everyday..
so they make huge profits and then can easily transfer the money into dollars.
this causes the markets to rise and valuations go for a toss.
this is a sentiment based market .
the stock price depends on a lot of factors , primary among them is the sentiment which is mostly not backed by logic or numerical facts .

So let us all ride the bull ..
Happy Investing

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